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Leadership writing skills - Dubai 22 September 2024 - Dubai 22 September 2024

Leadership writing skills - Dubai 22 September 2024 - Dubai 22 September 2024

 :  240


Professional writing skills are essential elements that contribute to successful communication in the workplace. These skills include the ability to express oneself clearly and accurately, organize ideas logically, and use appropriate and easily understandable language. Professional writing focuses on creating documents such as emails, reports, and memos in a way that helps achieve professional goals and enhances communication effectiveness within an organization. Developing these skills aids in building a professional image and enhances an individual's ability to make a positive impact in their field of work.

Course Objectives:

Training Program Objectives:

  • Understand administrative correspondence.
  • Identify the technical aspects of administrative correspondence.
  • Review the characteristics of administrative correspondence.
  • Apply fundamental professional writing skills to achieve better results.
  • Practice effective methods in writing emails, letters, and memos.
  • Enhance professional image through clear, precise, and positive writing.
  • Adapt complex writing for the modern business environment.
  • Implement advanced structuring techniques in writing to meet objectives.
  • Clarify the relationship between reports and communication.
  • Recognize spelling competencies for report writing.
  • Identify issues faced in writing reports.
  • Overcome common errors in report writing.

Scientific Themes:

  • Importance of Effective Writing in Administrative Correspondence
    • Definition of effective writing.
    • Characteristics of effective writing.
    • Understanding the hallmarks of effective communication.
    • Elements of written communication.
    • Writing in a business context.
    • Writing administrative correspondence.
    • Technical aspects of administrative correspondence.
    • Characteristics of administrative correspondence.
    • Types of administrative correspondence.
    • Definition of a report.
    • Importance of reports.
    • Administrative reports.
    • Objectives of reports.
    • Benefits of using reports.
    • Types of reports.
    • Characteristics of a good report.
    • Specifications of a good report.
    • Skills in report writing.
    • General structure of a report.
    • Stages of preparing and writing reports.
    • Skills in gathering, organizing, and presenting information.
    • Ten tips for making your report effective.
    • Reports and administrative communication.
    • Concept of administrative communication.
    • Importance of administrative communication.
    • Objectives of administrative communication.
    • Requirements for administrative communication.
    • Components of administrative communication.
    • Types of administrative communication.
    • Barriers to administrative communication.
    • Relationship between reports and communication.
  • Writing Strategy
    • Organizing ideas.
    • Definition of hierarchical structuring in writing and using the three parts of a message.
    • Achieving smooth flow through seamless transitions between parts of the text.
    • Applying hierarchical structuring in professional writing.
    • Utilizing facts.
    • Logical argumentation technique.
    • Deductive reasoning technique.
    • Writing an engaging introduction.
    • Basic considerations for professional writing.
    • Optimal use of visual aids.
    • Seven tips for effective writing.
    • Influencing readers through eloquent language.
    • Presentations: Less is more.
    • Proofreading written texts.
    • Final editing.
    • How to become a successful professional writer.



Country: United Arab Emirates

Course Duration: 5 Days

Session Duration:
(5 hours) -
UAE Time

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